Texas Schiffmacher
Amsterdam, Netherlands
High school dropout from Amsterdam, who works as a worthless shop manager at her dad’s Tattooshop. Can be seen wandering around town most likely with a beer in her hand looking for adventure, a bar, or both. Enjoys listening to music your 57-year-old stepdad also listens to and is surprisingly good at smuggling alcohol into parties. Also, travels a lot for someone considered a bum and dreams of dying old and happy on a swinging chair with a bottle of whiskey and a slice of pizza. Last of all, likes to write and take pictures. Which makes it a lot easier to recall some nights.
More by Texas Schiffmacher
{"id":"13984","name":"Texas Schiffmacher","avatar":"https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/thehundreds\/media\/2014\/09\/texas-1-250x250.jpg","city":"Amsterdam","state":"Netherlands","description":"High school dropout from Amsterdam, who works as a worthless shop manager at her dad’s Tattooshop. Can be seen wandering around town most likely with a beer in her hand looking for adventure, a bar, or both. Enjoys listening to music your 57-year-old stepdad also listens to and is surprisingly good at smuggling alcohol into parties. Also, travels a lot for someone considered a bum and dreams of dying old and happy on a swinging chair with a bottle of whiskey and a slice of pizza. Last of all, likes to write and take pictures. Which makes it a lot easier to recall some nights.","website":"","facebook":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/jemoer","twitter":"","tumblr":"http:\/\/texasschiffmacher.tumblr.com\/","instagram":"texasschiffmacher","youtube":"","vimeo":""}